Missouri Valley
Victorious Valley Coaches are Having Fun
(St. Louis, MO) – My Dad always used to say ‘Winning is better than losing’ and Missouri Valley coaches are having fun. Postgame celebrations we showed here are just part of this joyful time for winning coaches.
While winning brings its overnight challenges, Drake’s Darian DeVries says he was prepared for a very good sleepless night.
“For me, just no sleep,” he said. “But it’s the best no sleep that there is out there. This time of year, I don’t even know if you feel tiredness in March. They (his players) had fun. They were having fun out there. It’s awesome as a coach to see them enjoying playing the game.”
The often serious Brian Wardle is having fun with his footwear. Bradley’s coach is once again, wearing his Bradley-red shoes. He says he’s not superstitious, but every little bit helps.
“These are way more comfortable than last year’s,” said Wardle. “I’m not very superstitious, maybe a few things. A lot of coaches are very superstitious, but if I didn’t wear my red shoes, my kids would have killed me. My three kids were all over me about wearing these red shoes. Whatever gives us a little spark or energy, I’d love to do it.”
Valparaiso has crashed the party and Matt Lottich is feeling the joy. When the horn sounded to end the Crusaders’ overtime win he leaped into the arms of an assistant coach. He says this is an important moment for Valpo basketball.
“This is a pretty big moment for us,” said Lottich. “We challenged our guys to really just play a little bit harder, have a little more fight, have a little more grit, and they did. I’m just really proud of these young men. They are so much fun to coach. We survived another round and we’re advancing.”
Missouri State’s Dana Ford has been looking for effort from his team and Friday night that effort was on full display. Ford says he is happy for his players and doesn’t want there to be any lulls in that effort.
“I’m really proud of how hard our guys played,” beamed Ford. “Just happy to see them happy. We’re trying to encourage the players to not put a cap on themselves, meaning the other team doesn’t have to make a run.”
Two of these coaches will be even happier tonight.
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